
Impeach Trump pls

Since the beginning of Trump’s campaign, I have disliked him because of his derogatory and hateful rhetoric. From his speeches and his campaign, it was obvious that he was a sexist, racist and misogynistic person. However, besides those comments, his political actions as president have also reflected his hateful beliefs. During his presidential term, he has broken campaign finance laws and violated the constitutional clauses regarding emoluments.  Also, corrupt as that already is, he has abuse of his powers by the exchange with the Ukranian president, by sacrificing our country’s security in order to forward his own political agenda. Trump was also complicit in the Russian’s interference with the 2016 election. In addition, his lack of anger over the situation has implied that the Kremlin can do it again in the outcoming 2020 election. This ‘invitation’ has enabled the Russian president to openly accept it and discuss this violation, which also allows other countries to believe that

Gun Violence: What do I care about it? Response

In the blog Gun Violence: What do I care about it? By Doan Nguyen who is a student of Austin Community College. She started her blog by telling his coworker’s anecdote of being scared of a mass shooting happening in random situations and how she realized that she feels that way too. Nguyen added facts to show how mass shootings became something normal in America and how violence it's taking over the country, with 1.15 shooting per day. She stated that guns need to be banned in order to avoid this problem. I really liked how she gave her opinion over gun violence with facts and proofs of why guns should be banned. The structure of the blog was organized and I enjoyed reading it because it never got too overwhelming or repetitive, she went straight to the point. I totally agree with her, and I think this problem only has one solution.

The Second Amendment shouldn’t be an unlimited right to own guns

In the United States there are 120.5 guns per 100 people, which is the highest per capita in the world (ProGun.org), Due to gun violence, 306 people in America die every day. The gun control as we know is in an Amendment of the Constitution, and it states that guns are: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” However, it is used as an unlimited right to own guns and even though the government has implemented some restrictions and regulations on who owns a gun in the United States (individuals under eighteen years of age, convicted criminals, the mentally disabled, dishonorably discharged military personnel, and others can’t purchase firearms). But considering the issues that happened recently due to the lack of gun control, more laws should be implemented. One of the main issues that have occurred in the last few years is the mass shooting and the use of magazines that cause mass

Trump Is Trying to Kill the Program That Saved My Life

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/02/opinion/trump-refugee-program.html The origin of this source is an article from the New York Times by Marius Kothor, who is a Yale graduate student currently working on his Ph.D in History. The purpose of this article is to give information about his experience as a refugee, and how the Refugee Resettlement Program helped him to obtain the life that he has, and how it would change other lives too. He also express how upset he is about the Program being reducing the number of people who could apply for a refugee resettlement.   Kothor outline the article by explaining what the Refugee Resettlement Program is, and how it allows people who are escaping from war, persecution and famine to legally move to the United States. He also explains how the program reduced the number of refugees to 18,000 for the following 12 months for security reasons. He also states that coming to the United States as a refugee is the most difficult way, because they go thro

‘’Is Beto O'Rourke single-handedly dooming a gun control bill?’’

  Chris Cillizza on his article ‘’ Is Beto O'Rourke single-handedly dooming a gun control bill?’’ published on   Friday, September 20, 2019, in CNN talks about how Beto’s proposal about a new gun control bill as an answer to the recent mass shootings, and how it is being criticized by both parties. The idea of the gun control bill is to expand background checks and gun control measurements. The article emphasizes the republican point of view which is that the democratic party will always try to take away their freedom from acquiring guns, but also explain how controversial it is for Americans lose the right of carrying a gun. Chris also mentions that although it is a controversial issue and has a lot of criticism from the Republican party, there are even hopes that the issue of the sea taken to Congress.  this article is relevant to read as it contains information on one of the proposals that the democratic party is considering in making, which can help influence to make a d


Hi, my name is Estefani and I’m from Venezuela  I moved to the United States three years ago and I lived in Denton TX until the past 2 weeks. As everyone, I fell in love with the city of Austin around a year ago, so I decided to make my college life(and probably my whole life) here in the weirdest and coolest city of Texas. My plan is to get as many credits as I can at ACC to then transfer to my dream college: UT Austin.