The Second Amendment shouldn’t be an unlimited right to own guns

In the United States there are 120.5 guns per 100 people, which is the highest per capita in the world (, Due to gun violence, 306 people in America die every day. The gun control as we know is in an Amendment of the Constitution, and it states that guns are: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” However, it is used as an unlimited right to own guns and even though the government has implemented some restrictions and regulations on who owns a gun in the United States (individuals under eighteen years of age, convicted criminals, the mentally disabled, dishonorably discharged military personnel, and others can’t purchase firearms). But considering the issues that happened recently due to the lack of gun control, more laws should be implemented.
One of the main issues that have occurred in the last few years is the mass shooting and the use of magazines that cause mass murders, and banning high-capacity magazines would reduce gun violence and the number of victims. Also, there are people with mental illness who had passed the ‘’background check’’ and had been responsible for massive shootings.
El Paso Walmart Massacre is one example of why these regulations need to be implemented. There were 22 people killed and 24 injured because of the shooting caused by an anti-immigrant man armed with an assault rifle. Later on, through the investigation, he was found with mental illness and still he was able to obtain access to such a dangerous gun.
Now, more gun control laws would reduce gun deaths and these kinds of events wouldn’t happen that often if there was a restricted regulation on who has access to firearms.


  1. Hi Estefani,
    Firstly I would like to compliment you on your title. I the usage of unlimited right to own guns is great!
    I am in full agreement with you on the statement "considering the issues that happened recently due to the lack of gun control, more laws should be implemented."
    I think many agree with this statement, but I think there is a problem with the statement as well.
    It is a problem that people who support more laws have, and a problem that gun supporters also have. It is left too open ended.
    Saying that there should be more laws leaves those in support left trying to imagine ideas. For the gun owners they are imagining a government trying to secure there guns.
    So I want to add more to that statement.
    Often I find that looking to the success of others is a fabulous way to find solutions to my own problems. In this situation I think Japan is a fabulous example. They have almost entirely eliminated gun violence, and yet the general population can obtain guns.
    If we were serious about exterminating gun violence while allowing people to own guns we could inact regulations in which when a person wants to own a gun, they start by having to pass a mental-health evaluation performed by a professional and pass a background check performed by the FBI. The reason I say FBI is that these investigations involve the government digging into their criminal record and interviews friends and family. Then if these requirements are met, they could be required to attend classes, pass tests, and achieve at least high accuracy during shooting-range test. Finally once having achieved these tasks, some sort of renawl policy could take effect every few years.
    Some may argue that this dimeninishs there rights. But in that situation I'd point out the buying a home is a right provided to all Americans as well, however to do so there are requirements or steps you must take to do so. Some people never choose to take those steps, but thats a choice.

    1. Estefani Torres has a pretty good point in their blog “The second amendment shouldn’t be unlimited right to own guns”. This blog really spoke in terms of covering every inch of the amendment of the Constitution related to rights on bearing arms as well as the relevancy of what it holds to nowadays.
      Torres constructed a well-organized essay on how gun control has literally gotten out of control even with in the past year. Pointing out that “guns are a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, and then comparing it to the “El Paso Walmart massacre as being an example of why these regulations need to be implemented on our gun control”. The point made that it’s not taking away guns that will solve the problem, it’s having more restricted regulations on who has access to firearms is where the target audience is being educated on why people are demanding such things.
      Torres has definitely made a strong point by successfully using factual evidence and comparisons between the constitution, to the process of obtaining fire arms, and then incorporating what happens when that process fails. The outcome of a failed regulated gun control has proven itself time after time that things need to change, and this blog has a big part to play in it. Great structure, great message and overall very educating. This blog is definitely worth the read.


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